
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

#dungeon23 Room Update - 16 Jan 2023

At January 13th, I posted this on my Twitter account.

Making 365 room of dungeon is easy. You can make it as simple as empty room, or you can put it all the way to the top with traps and monsters and details and such. But the thing is, the thing that makes it kinda hard, is consistency.

At 13th, I only get 9 room. I promised to myself in the first day of 2023, I'll sit down and create one single room and leave it when it's done. But no. I expecting much more than what I supposed to do: drawing the room, with details and crosshatching and shadows, writing some detailed d12 encounter possibilities, creating items that I won't remember soon it existence.

I wanted to make this post a grumbling and self-defence shit, but I think the reader deserve better. Down below, I'll rewrite all the details of the rooms that available on that image. Don't worry about the relevance or the sense of it - it doesn't.

001/365 - The Grand Lobby

A: Receptionist's Desk
B: Seats & Tables

Upon entering, roll d12 for following encounters:
  1. Nothing happens. The Grand Lobby is empty.
  2. The Lobby filled with papers all over the floor. An Insurer hiding under it near one of the pillars.
  3. 1d4 of Insurers are roaming around the lobby.
  4. An insurer jumped you (and team) as you step inside.
  5. Greeted by the Receptionist.
  6. Distinguishable aroma of dried blood all over the room.
  7. A person standing behind the Receptionist's Desk. Player need to greet them first. If not, the person will be revealed as an Insurer and strike the player.
  8. The lobby is dimly lit. A drop of light shine the receptionist's table. Phone rings three times in the distance.
  9. A janitor seen mopping the floor. If interacted, they won't responds.
  10. On every searts, there's skeletons wearing suits & briefcases.
  11. A black cat crossing the lobby casually & lost in the darkness at one corner of the room.
  12. Blood splats all over the pillars & scratch marks all over it too. Seats broken.
In order to move to the next room, search KEY at RECEPTIONIST'S DESK or ONE of THE SEATS.

- Insurer(s)
- Receptionist
- Janitor

002/365 - Triangle Room

A: Table & Chairs, on table: 1 phone + 1 speaker
B: a moveable tray / dining cart. On it there's glasses & a jar of water
C: thermostat planted on the wall

When entering, roll 1d6:
1-3 : The room trigger the trap, locking the door, releasing poisonus gas. Player need to escape.
4-6 : The room is a plain room. Nothing happen here.

- Triangle Room is a room split into two. There's a mirror that seperate them.
- The airflow on each side of the room are different / non central.

003/365 - Lv. 1 Praying Room

A: Locker
*: Kame-Kami Statue

1st Entry : Player could smell a sweet fragrant that associated with sakura-esque flora.

- Praying room could be use as checkpoint / save game room / area.
- Praying to Kame-Kami will restore health, stamina & reduce insanty point by 1.
- Praying only able to do after player discover another 10 rooms.

- Kami-Kami Charm (Locker): Reduce the pain inflicted by enemy. "A turtle shell-like rock that sold at many place. A reminder for us of existence of Kame-Kami."

004/365 - Empty Room

A: Vending Machine
B: L-Table with Coffee Machine

- Vending machines can be interacted (1d6):
1 - 5 : vending machines broken
6 : one of them give COLA.
- Coffee machine is operational. But no coffee beans or grinded coffee on sight.

005/365 - Morelife's Lobby & Agents' Nest

A: Receptionist's Table
B: Waiting Chairs & sofas
C: Deal room with chairs, tables & documents
D: Archive room
E: Agents nest
F: Water Dispenser

- Player heard sound from deep inside the room. When exploring, the entire room was empty. All they could see was scattered papers, documents, maps and stationaries. Then as they closer to point C, roll 1d6:
  1. There's nothing happen
  2. A pen fall from one of the table. It has the Morelike Company logo on it
  3. A Receptionist walks in from the entry door
  4. Loud sound came from D, like a thick document falling to the floor (Insanity +1)
  5. They saw someone was sitting on one of the chair. It was an Insurer. INT Check (DC 4): it already dead
  6. Three living Insurers running from inside E

006/365 - The Hub

- The center Fountain will always sprinkle water that colored blue.
- All doors are unlocked.

007/365 - Cafetaria

A: Dining Area
B: Clean Kitchen / Meal Prep Area

1 - 2 : Upon entering & searching Point A & B, 1d4 Insurers came through one of possible entry points.
3 - 5 : At point B, there's a box of mineral water bottles. Each bottle can be consume to regain stamina. Roll 1d6 for amount of mineral water bottle.
6 : At point A, there are 1d6+2 mineral watter bottles, and at point B, can be found a 1d6 of Instant Noodle that could restore health when consumed.

008/365 - Deep Kitchen

A: Cold Storage / Freezer
B: Dry Storage & Herbs Rack
C: Plating Area
D: Preparation Area

1 - 5 : upon entering, Player will see The Chef at Point D. It won't move an inch from that area.
6 : The kitchen is empty.

  • Inside the Freezer (Point A), there's a KEY that could open an unopened door of traverse (true)
  • The Chef could be persuade by bring it a correct herb (False)
  • The Chef weakness is cold (true)
Creature : The Chef

010/365 - Foto-Copier Room

A: Paper Storage
B: Ultra-X3ROX (No Electricity)

  • Upon entering, Player could see the humongous Ultra-X3ROX at the back of the room, unoperational.
  • In front of the machine, a skinny table for preparing r collecting finished documents covered with dust.
    • PERCEPTION CHECK (DC 5) : There's a faint prints of hands, fresh ones.
  • Next of the table, two cabinets stands. One near the table, was filled with stationaires, but most of them already used up. The other one only have 1 item : Paper Cutter.
    • PERCEPTION CHECK (DC 2) : There is visible stains of dried blood on the blade of the cutter.
  • On the north wall, there are a lot of paper pasted on. A lot of it already unreadable; the inks fades or teared somehow.
    • INVESTIGATION CHECK (DC 6) : behind thick layer of paper, there's a readable one. It says "AN INTERVIEW OF THE CENTURY: Dr. MELLISA MENTARE". The rest of the paper was torn.
  • For Storage Room (A), player roll 1d6 for encounters.
  1. As the door to the storage open, piles of papers fall out from inside the room. Smells of old paper fill the air.
  2. The door to the storage is well shut. There's no way to open it somehow.
  3. Inside the room, player see a can of meat - empty but not dried. Also spots of dried blood and bloodied bandages can be located near it.
  4. Inside the storage, there's an Insurer (alive), kind of focusi to the south wall, standing. Close the door to left them alone (DC 5).
  5. As entering the foto-copier room, player could hear faint growls from the storage room. Then around 5 minutes later, a heavy pound slam on the door. When opened, it's empty (Insanity point +1)
  6. As the door open, 1d6 Insurers storms out the room.

Monday, January 16, 2023

The Receptionist

Art generated by Freeway ML


The Receptionist is one of many creature that might be encountered by players while exploring the vast megastructure on Office23. They are quiet, slick and love the element of surprise when engaging their prey. While The Receptionist always can be seen standing behind their own dedicated desk or table, sometimes they also take a walk to other places. With their keen eyes, sensitive hearing, long nails and remarkable speed, The Receptionist might be considered as one of deadly creature inside the Office23.


Physical appearance: The majority of the Receptionists are having slim bodies, long legs, long hair, boney fingers, and of course not forget to mention a full length ear-to-ear smile, showing rows of their sharp teeths. They stood perfectly straight - no slouching, a perfect form of standing. When they sit down behind their own dedicated desk, they'll sit properly and as perfect as they could. Waiting for someone to come through the door and walks casualy to the their table. Even though the majority of Receptionist was taking a form of human with female features (long slender body, long legs, nails, long hairs, etc.), some other had a bulky body, muscular arms, short hairs, etc.

Movement: The Receptionist is a creature that adapting with where they situated. They could move as fast as they can, or even move slower than a MucusGastropod. They had powerful legs, that could help them jump as high as the ceiling, performing a perfect landing, and if needed pulling a dash and even a deadly kick. Thanks to slender features of their body, The Receptionist could performing a magnifique acrobatic actions such as triple frontflip to double cartwheels to tiger spring. Due to regulation of the Office23, all Receptionist need to wear company-issued shoes - comfortable to wear, but producing a loud sound when they walk.

Social: The Receptionist rarely seen in group. They are an individualist that love to walks to wherever they want, and return to their desk at particular set of time. The Insurer sometimes lingers near them, but they could shove them away with their long, sharp nails.


Many Receptionist will linger around the place where they "belong" to work on. Either standing or roaming around the room or even a complex of area, they won't be roaming around to another company and staying on someone receptionist' desk. The easiest way to know if a place has a Receptionist or not, is by looking at the Receptionist desk. A Receptionist love to put their belonging on the desk, like marking a territory. A stick, a book, a doll, a pencil, what ever it is, if there is a thing on the desk of Receptionist, then the place have A Receptionist.

A Receptionist also a well ordered creature. So if someone took a thing from their desk, or something from the area that they guarded, they'll know and hunt them down.


Action Type Desription
Claw Attack A Receptionist will swipes their long, sharp and pointy nails to you, wildly.
Bite Attack The Receptionist will bite if the distance between them and you are extremely close (less than 30cm).
Acrobatic Support The Receptionist could move and perform up to 1d4 strings of acrobatic movement (frontflip, backflip, handflip, cartwheels, etc) in one turn with incredible speed, to move them from one place to another.
Keen Passive The Receptionist will able to hear far better, see far better, smell far better and feel far better when they found out that that is something missing from their "working" space.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

d100 Item Can Be Found Inside A Drawer at An (Abandoned) Office

"As you exploring the remains of the building, this once a huge corporation, you stumbled with this old drawers. Some still intact with their locks and keys, some were not. Some are shut closed, some already pried open violently.

"It once belong to someone else - someone who sat their ass from the dawn until dusk creeping over. Someone who slouched their back in order to focus to what they do. Someone who drank stamina drink to clear all the task before they hit home. Someone, who work."

  1. An opened pack of cigarette
  2. A stapler with its refills
  3. A broken headset
  4. A hand mirror
  5. A box of name card
  6. A letter opener
  7. A bottle of ketchup
  8. A bottle of soy sauce
  9. A half written agenda book
  10. A wallet, with ID Card, Credit Cards and some money
  11. A portable phone, battery leaked
  12. A portable phone, battery removed
  13. An empty book
  14. A text book of Finance
  15. A text book of Technical Engineering
  16. A text book of Law
  17. A comic book
  18. An adult magazine
  19. Another corporate magazine
  20. Training flyers
  21. A folder of recruitment documents
  22. A folder with CONFIDENTIAL on it covering a thick size of documents
  23. A document with DRAFT all over it
  24. A paper with a lot of scrabbles
  25. Someone certificate of training attendance
  26. Someone certificate of birth
  27. Someone letter of resignation, unfolded
  28. Someone letter of resignation, enveloped
  29. A black and white photo of a young man wearing formal attire
  30. A black and white photo of a young woman wearing formal attire
  31. A black and white surveillance photo of a misconduct behavior
  32. A blueprint of an office layout. Dated long time ago
  33. A toy car
  34. A broken horse toy
  35. A weared stress ball
  36. A box of paperclips
  37. A handful of black ties
  38. A pack of chili sauce
  39. A pack of gums, half eaten
  40. A pack of candy, full
  41. A full drawer of snacks, expired
  42. A cake, extremely moldy
  43. A bottle of hand sanitizer, half empty
  44. A bottle of hand sanitizer, sealed
  45. A bottle of perfume
  46. A bottle of beer
  47. A can of beer
  48. An ink refill syringe
  49. A cigarette roller
  50. Someone warning letter
  51. Someone love letter
  52. A testpack, result positive
  53. A testpack, result negative
  54. A broken hand mirror
  55. A toothbrush
  56. A bottle of mouthwash
  57. A sealed box of cigarette
  58. Twelve box of cigarette
  59. A drawer full of lighter
  60. A calendar, full of Xs
  61. A calendar, several months gone
  62. A calendar, sealed with plastic
  63. Cables, tangled
  64. Cables, organized
  65. A drawer full of electronical parts
  66. A document full of numbers and annotations
  67. A folded knife
  68. A multi-tool, 
  69. A glasses, minus
  70. A glasses, plus
  71. A glasses, hollow
  72. A sunglasses
  73. A hat bearing a company logo
  74. A jacket with a company logo attached
  75. A drawer full of pens
  76. A drawer full of pencil
  77. A drawer full of documents
  78. A box of socks
  79. A drawer full of ties, assorted color
  80. A drawer full of medicine, expired
  81. Few packs of stamina drinks, expired
  82. A ring
  83. A set of earrings
  84. A gun, emptied
  85. Someone last will
  86. A music CD
  87. A novel
  88. A burned book
  89. An incomplete working module
  90. A working module
  91. A book of phone numbers
  92. A post-it of random numbers and letters
  93. A photo of a baby
  94. A photo of a woman smiling
  95. A photo of a man smiling
  96. A divorce letter
  97. A stack of wedding invitation
  98. A baby USG photo
  99. A gun with ammo box
  100. An empty drawer