
Friday, February 7, 2025

Hex Map Generator using YuGiOh Card

I found my old YuGiOh cards when I looking for my daughter’s toy hidden in one of dozen transparant boxes. Of course all of it weren’t original cards - it’s all written in either mandarins or japanese, bad printings, overly thin or thick cards and the shining cards are not the cards that supposedly shiny. I got them many years ago, circa I was a high schooler. OG cards are rare in this country until recently thanks to international shipping and the utilization of internet.

The card itself had a lot of attribution that can be used as generator: element, summoning stars, card types (monster, spell, trap), health and defence. This attributes can be (might br) “translated” into specific classification. For example the elemental can be type of land or enemy, summon stars can be number of enemy that will be encountered, attack and defense can be… I don’t know, card type obviously can be translated as ordinary, special encounter and/or trap encounter respectively. And I think it could be better (maybe) if I can combine it with roll of dice.

In generating hexmap for Hexcrawl25 (I still haven’t finished this month region though), oracle thingy and table of generator will become your friend. I looking at you $16-ish d100 Map Generator. Meanwhile, while I gather additional income to check out that beaut, I think I need to create my own method of random generator for this hexmap project and maybe for my next project that already in my task.

Implementing YuGiOh cards as random generator would be interesting. I know this can be considered as ashcan project - it will be shit at first and might become a rotten shit still (I know the worstcase scenario), but it might inspire me to create better handmade random generator.

For now, the classification will be like (this classification is made as I wrote and had a little bit of fine tuning):
  • Summoning Stars: (enemy) number of enemy encountered;
  • Card Type: (monster) battle encounter, (spell) NPC/ resting area/ empty space/ special encounter, (trap) puzzle/ trap/ risk management/ checks.
  • Monster Elemental: type of lands (still thinking about Darkness and Light and Wind elements).
  • Monster Attack: (enemy & trap) divided by 100 become health or sustainability.
  • Monster Defense: (enemy & trap) divided by 100 become DC or armor.
I need to TRY this method first so I can move forward and improve on what this kind will be and what things that they can provide.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

#Hexcrawl25 Region Template & Sub-Hex Table is LIVE!!!

I made this template actually meant for my own convenience. I mainly brainstorm using pencil and paper and with this it might sparks some ideas along the way.

This template is consisting of two main items : the flower hex with 19 sub-hex inside AND a table for each sub-hex that you can fill in with anything that cell could hold. I made the flower hex a little bit low res, so it's either you could retrace it for a better quality or play as it is. And the table was in minimalistic condition, because I wanted to think as simple as possible but yet fulfilling the essence of the sub-hex.

Again, I made this for my own purpose. But if you find this template is useful or not, feel free to use it too!!

Hexcrawl25 - Region Template & Sub-Hex Table is now live on Itch. Click the widget above to download now!

Hexcrawl25 is created by Maatlock of and released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) License.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

About #Hexcrawl25 & (a little of) The Grey Neighborhood Log #2

I stumbled about Hexcrawl25 firstly from Seed of World's where they are talking about the challenge made by Maatlock's Tavern about making region hexcrawl on each month until December 31st, 2025. It's Dungeon23 all over again, but more.... hex than before.

I made Office23 as pointcrawl, so I guess it won't be hard for me to join the bandwagon on this one. Yes, I know, I didn't finish my Dungeon. But hey-I managed to create three floors (the third one almost finished though) and I can rebrand it as three different stories WHICH can be interconnected one with another.

Back to this Hexcrawl25.

When I read these articles, my mind auto-connecting to a long-neglected project I made. The first game I planned and created. And it's still on its early stage. With this project, maybe - JUST MAYBE - this project will be having a proper blast off. At least, I can make a simple lore, simple map, simple stories I can execute and everything. Maybe an NPC or two, or maybe a band of bandits or an ature of creatures or counter of encounters. I think this year; I will delve more into the development of The Grey Neighborhood.

The main ideas were:
  • Arrange 19 regional hexes in a floral pattern to create a campaign grid.
  • add mountains, forest, roads, and points of interest (e.g., towns, dungeons).
  • split each regional hex into 19 sub-hexes overlapping with adjacent regions.
  • key 319 sub-hexes with content: monsters, NPCs, landmarks, etc.
I won't think much regarding the mechanism: especially about the miles or other measurement to be made. First, I don't know and imagine how far miles it might be (here we use meter); second, if I need that kind of measurement, I'll use meter and make it as easy to interpret or somehow easy to interpret. Maybe I can make the measurement in Day - Night cycle. Hmmm interesting.

A single sub-hex might be traveled in two days one night.
If there are encounter, add another one day and one night.
If there anything that can be entered (town, dungeon, etc) add another one day IF decided to explore. Exception for dungeon, ONLY AFTER the player exit / escape the dungeon, roll d6 to decide how many nights passed since they enter the dungeon.

Interesting. I'll just put it here. Just in case.

I guess that's it.

I also recommend you use this several things that might help:
Let's see where this thing go then, shall we?

Oh and Happy New Year! May this year is YOURS year.