
Friday, September 27, 2024


Basic Information

One of several planets that Kame-Kami created from It's Eggs during The First Lays which had life in it. As if it was designated as a balanced ecosystem, Nuearth composed and terraformed in perfect balance - 50:50 ratio between the land and the ocean.

There was once a major world catastrophic event occured involving Helen & Romeo - the Twin Moon of Nuearth - causing turbulences and rapid changing on Nuearth : the disturbance of  sea levels, continental drifts and so on.

As the world progressing and the civilization emerged and survived the harsh condition post-Helen & Romeo, Nuearth was divided into three major nation : Utara Nation, Great Lands of Marsupi, and United Nations of Morotan.


Nuearth was initially had only one land mass, stretched from one side to another. Due to the effect of the Clash of Helen & Romeo that last for five years, it forced an extreme terraforming of Nuearth : continental drifting, extreme rising sea levels, sinking lands and extreme rise of sea beds that turn some of it into lands.

  • The Great Sea surround the whole lands of Nuearth since day one;
  • Utara Nation located on the North West of the world. While mainly grasslands, Utara Nation also covered by harsh tundra environment on its North side. Snows were endless and frequent heavy storms happened;
  • Great Lands of Marsupi is the largest continent / nation on Nuearth. The climate on Marsupi was rather unique compared with other continent / nation;
  • United Nations of Morotan is strangely different from other two continents - the land were fertile, the climate was stabile and only had two weathers : sunny and rains. United Nations of Morotan was more considered as the perfect nation to live on Nuearth.


Before the separation of the nations on Nuearth, the main and only currency is by using barter method. Of course, each commodity had their own unique values. According to the survived documentation of transaction found in [REDACTED], the most valueable commodity was called Aurorite.

Thanks to it's rarity and the high risks to gather it, those who able to get even a small piece of Aurorite, might be treated as someone with wealth. Another survived barter transaction documents found on the city of [REDACTED] was mentioned a barter of a two grams of Aurorite with thirteen lifestocks, ten sacks of rice and twenty bar of Gold.

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